Esther 1:1-9 - Introduction to the Book of Esther (אֶסְתֵּר)
For the study on the Book of Esther (אֶסְתֵּר), brother Gideon Levytam provides us with an introduction to one of the most important portions found in the Word of God. Our sovereign God chose Israel to be a nation through whom He would bring blessings to the entire world. To Abraham He promised, "And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed". Genesis 22:18a. The divinely inspired book of Esther is filled with evidence of God's faithfulness to His promises. Although God’s name is not mentioned even once in the book of Esther, His hand of protection over His people Israel who were dispersed to Babylon and Persia, is evident. While the enemy of the Jews sought to destroy them, God, in a supernatural way preserved His people, simply because He intends to bring blessing to the world through the people of Israel. The apostle Paul wrote;" For if the casting away of them (Israel) be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them (Israel) be, but life from the dead." Romans 11:15.
Shabbat Meeting - Revelation 12:6-17 (הִתְגָלוּת)
Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on February 17, 2024.
Ecclesiastes 10:1-7 - Seek for Godly Wisdom as Even a Little Folly Ruins Reputations
From Chapter 10:1-7 on the study of the Book of Ecclesiastes, (Kohelet-קֹהֶלֶת), brother Gideon Levytam directs us to a list of wise sayings which Solomon gave to his people Israel. In this collection of sayings, Solomon the preacher, recommends one to seek godly wisdom, as godly wisdom will direct the godly away from the evil which one sees under the sun. Solomon stated that even a little folly in one's life will ruin their reputation, just as dead flies ruin the smell of an ointment. Therefore, they should seek godly wisdom, as it is profitable for direction in one’s life.
Shabbat Meeting - Revelation 12:1-17 (הִתְגָלוּת)
Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on February 10, 2024.
Hebrews 3:1-2 - Consider Jesus the Messiah, the Faithful Apostle and High Priest
From Chapter 3:1-2 on the study of the Book of Hebrews (אֶל־הָעִבְרִים), brother Gideon Levytam directs us to the author's appeal to His Hebrew brethren in the first century. The author encourages his brethren to be occupied with the person of Jesus the Messiah, who like Moses was faithful to God, who sent Him into this world to accomplish the work of redemption. After He died and rose again, Jesus the Messiah was taken to heaven, becoming the Great High Priest of all those who believe in Him, interceding on their behalf before God the Father.
Shabbat Meeting - Revelation 11:15-19 (הִתְגָלוּת)
Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on February 3, 2024.
Ecclesiastes 9:11-18 - A Man Who is Wise is Able to Deliver a Great City
From Chapter 9:11-18 on the study of the Book of Ecclesiastes, (Kohelet-קֹהֶלֶת), brother Gideon Levytam shares Solomon’s advice concerning the need for godly wisdom in this world. Solomon points to a poor wise man, who by his godly wisdom, was able to deliver a besieged city from a great and strong king. Although the world may despise godly wisdom, godly wisdom is better than human strength or weapons of war. Solomon declared that the words of the wise are more valuable than the strength of any great and strong king, who rules over fools.
Psalm 11:1-7 - If the Foundations be Destroyed, What Can the Righteous Do
From Psalm 11:1-7, brother Gideon Levytam points to David's trust in the LORD. David reminded God’s people that their enemies will always seek to harm them. Therefore, he encouraged Israel not to forget God and to trust in Him. David proclaimed, “if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? While the wicked seek to harm God’s people, the LORD will protect His own, He will rain snares on the wicked and will deliver those who trust in Him.
Hebrews 2:10-18 - He That Sanctifies and They Who Are Sanctified Are All of One
From Chapter 2:10-18 on the study of the Book of Hebrews (אֶל־הָעִבְרִים), brother Gideon Levytam points to the amazing truth that took place when God the Son, who created all things, took union with human nature along with His Divine nature. Emanuel, God the Son Himself, took part of flesh and blood, because, mankind whom He wished to redeem, are partakers of flesh and blood. And that through His own sacrificial death, He might destroy the devil who had the power of death. Jesus the Messiah became a man, taking on himself the seed of Abraham, in order that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God. As a man, Jesus the Messiah Himself suffered, being tested in His life. Therefore, He is able to provide the needed help to all His people who are tested every day in their lives.
Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 - The Works of the Wise and Righteous Are in the Hand of God
From Chapter 9:1-10 on the study of the Book of Ecclesiastes, (Kohelet-קֹהֶלֶת), brother Gideon Levytam emphasizes King Solomon’s declaration to those who seek to follow God. King Solomon told Israel to remember that on earth, things in general happen to all people in the same way, good or bad things, whether one is righteous or wicked, clean or unclean. Life under the sun is temporary, evil and filled with injustice, and once one dies, the memory of him is forgotten. Therefore, King Solomon's council was to live right and whatever one did, to do it justly with all their strength, to eat bread with joy, and drink wine with a merry heart; for God now accepts their works and He will reward them in His time.