My360 Helper


When we ask parents about their desires to create a family who follows Jesus together, the most common response is that they would like to be more intentional but they just don’t know how to start! What we are offering here is that starting place – a way to get young families into the Bible together, learning and praying and worshipping Jesus, a pl…read more

Lesson 1: Play

Jesus loved people by spending time with them, and we can love our family and friends by playing well together and following Jesus’ example to be kind and forgive.

Lesson 2: Ask

It’s okay to have questions about the world – Jesus wants us to wonder and find answers in him. Your questions matter to God!

Lesson 3: Trust

We can trust God because he is trustworthy – we should be like Jesus who demonstrated trust in God his Father, and is trustworthy to those who follow him.

Lesson 4: Forgiveness

Jesus taught we must forgive one another and showed us how to forgive even when it is very hard.

Lesson 5: Love

Jesus taught us to love God and love one another. He demonstrated what love was and we should follow his example.

Lesson 6: Help

Jesus helped others with things they could not do themselves and revealed the truth of God to people. Jesus wants us to help one another. Families who follow Jesus help each other to follow and obey him.

Lesson 7: Pray

Jesus taught us to pray – to trust that God hears us and knows just what we need before we ask, and when we follow Jesus we pray as he instructed.

Lesson 8: Learn

Jesus grew in wisdom and had to learn as a child! We can be like Jesus and grow in what we know so that it will change how we live.

Lesson 9: Church

Jesus gave an important mission to the Church and if we are followers of Jesus we belong to this Church, and this mission is for us too!

Lesson 10: Worship

Jesus deserves our worship, and setting our eyes on him helps us live like him. Jesus taught us to worship with our whole lives through the way we serve and love.

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