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Journey to the Promised Land Final Manual

Journey to the Promised Land is a three-day free VBS program that teaches children lessons from the Israelites' journey to the Promised Land. Kids will see video cartoon skits that look at the history of Genesis to Joshua from different perspectives. The cartoon skits follow racecar driver Cletus T. Barfield III and his physicist friend Francisco…read more

Journey to the Promised Land Preschool Teaching Lessons

Preschool Teaching Lessons for "Journey to the Promised Land"

Journey to the Promised Land K-6th Teaching Lessons

K-6th Teaching Lessons for "Journey to the Promised Land".

Journey to the Promised Land - Day 1

What can happen when a race car driver and a physicist travel through time? Watch and find out for yourself.

Journey to the Promised Land - Day 2

Our time travelers meet Pharaoh and others in this short video. What did they learn?

Journey to the Promised Land - Day 3

Our travelers encounter some battles and solders. What happened?

Music Lyrics

If you need the words to the songs, find them here.

Bible Expedition - Are We There Yet?

Bible Expedition - Salvation

Journey to the Promised Land Decorations, Crafts, Snacks and Games

If you need ideas for decorations, crafts, snacks or games, find them here to help with your Journey to he Promised Land VBS.

Journey to Nineveh Full Manual

Journey to Nineveh is a three-day VBS program focusing on the book of Jonah. In addition to having a great time, children will learn about the life-changing truths found in the book of Jonah. On day one, kids learn about Jonah’s disobedience, God’s sovereignty, and the consequences of sin. On day two, kids learn about God’s great deliverance of Jonah, how to deal with trials, and the power of prayer. On day three, kids learn about God’s great patience, love, and grace for both Jonah and the Ninevites. Every lesson includes the great news of the Gospel message. The entire VBS program, including cartoon skits and teaching lessons, can be downloaded below free of charge. We hope this program is a blessing to you and your church and look forward to receiving any feedback you can provide.

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