Will Jesus Return with Angels or Saints? LIVE Q&A for October 6, 2022

For today's Live Q&A David starts out with the question Will Jesus Return with Angels or Saints? Then he answers your questions from the chat window: How to ask for and practice the gift of tongues. Can we lose our salvation? How do I know I am under a spiritual attack? Is there a difference between the filling and the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Can we use anointing oil for prayer? How important are Old Testament characters and events in todays New Testament age? Does the Holy Spirit enable us to be more righteous than Old Testament saints? Will the rapture happen before or after the great tribulation? Can you explain the alliance made through the covenant in Exodus 24, verse 8? Please explain the importance of the Theotokos (the virgin Mary)! What is it that we are saves from? Is the standard for choosing church leaders today still the same as it was in Paul's and Titus' times? What will happen to the people that are saved during the tribulation? Does Malachi 3, verse 1 refer to Jesus' first visit, or to his 2nd coming?

Why We Don't Get Along - James 4:1-2

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

Feeling the Heat - 2 Samuel 12:15-18

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

The Early Egyptian and Ethiopean Church

In the 9th lesson of David's Church History class we look at the early Egyptian and Ethiopian church: • African Christianity in the First Five Centuries • Egyptian Christianity: The Trend Towards Monophysitism • Egyptian Christianity: Anthony, the Greatest Monk of Egypt • Early Christianity in Ethiopia

End Times Prophecies - An Overview of Revelation

This is the first message of a series called "End Times Prophecies" that pastor David Guzik taught at Coastline Calvary Chapel in Gulf Breeze, Florida.

Letting Critics Curse - 2 Samuel 16:9-10

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

The Prophet's Pain - 2 Kings 8:12

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

Wasting Strength - Ephesians 6:10

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

The Man of God and the False Prophet - 1 Kings 13:18-19

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

Ask me Anything - Live Q& A for September 29 2022

Today's Live Q&A is brought to you by Chuck Musselwhite, pastor of The Village Chapel, and one of the board members of Enduring Word. Chuck is also the author of the Daily Walk Devotion, visit his website to find out more: https://www.dailywalkdevotion.com Here are todays questions: Am I still a sinner yet saved by God's grace? When the new testament says we do not have to do the law any longer, does that apply to the commandments? Why do the Jews follow their own year count? Was Adam a god before he sinned? What are your thoughts on American Christian Nationalism? Do Christian have their personal Angels? No one can see God and live. But didn’t the disciples see God when Jesus revealed his glory to them the transfiguration? How does one prepare to write detailed commentary about a chapter or verse? * Check out David's series on How to Study the Bible: https://youtu.be/WyylpYlozqY What does the Great White Throne of Judgment mean for unbelievers? ​Does Mercy triumph over judgment? Is there any profit to exploring the additional books that are not in the bible? What is difference between flesh, soul & spirit? ​Is the “Five fold ministry” out of Ephesians 4:11 ​Does Ephesians 5:3-5 mean that even believers can loose their salvation? ​Why does our bible not have the book of Enoch? Is marriage's purpose merely for reproduction? How is my relationship with God supposed to feel? Can you share from your experience how we can best pray for our pastors’ wives? During a Jubilee year, is the Feast of Trumpets the last trump blown on the day of atonement?

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