Why Cessationism Is Wrong | Part 5
Welcome to the fifth video in a 10 part series by Pastor David Guzik on the reasons why cessationism is wrong. On the authority of the Bible and history, Pastor David refutes the cessationist belief that the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit are no longer available to Christians today, providing textual evidence and posing counter-questions to those who claim so.
Are Your Riches Going or Coming? - James 1:9-11
This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.
Are Your Riches Going or Coming? - James 1:9-11
This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.
Asking Without Doubting - James 1:5-8
This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.
Asking Without Doubting - James 1:5-8
This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.
Receiving Wisdom from God - James 1:5-8
This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.
Receiving Wisdom from God - James 1:5-8
This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.
Joseph Tests His Brothers – Genesis 44
Welcome to part 48 in Pastor David Guzik's in-depth study of the book of Genesis, teaching here through chapter 44. Joseph, as an Egyptian official, puts his brothers to the test in order to determine their hearts and attitudes towards family, their youngest brother Benjamin, and their father Jacob/Israel. Throughout this series, Pastor David expounds and examines a full chapter of scripture with you - verse by verse, point by point. Applying these timeless lessons to today's world, he concludes by highlighting some of the many ways that this chapter parallels the personage and mission of Christ Jesus.
How Can A God of Love Kill Innocents? LIVE Q&A! Jan 4 w/ Pastor David Guzik
Welcome to the weekly live Q&A with Pastor David Guzik, author of the Enduring Word Bible commentary. After our lead question, Pastor David will take your questions via the live chat - simply add your questions & our moderators will arrange and deliver them to Pastor David according to theme or subject! This week, Pastor David's lead question comes from @Mylittledancediary , who asks: "I have a question (about the Passover story in Exodus): This God who is supposed to love all his creation would kill innocent babies to make a point to evil-doers? Doesn't seem very compassionate to me; can anyone explain to me please?" Resources Mentioned In this Video:
Patient Endurance - James 1:2-4
This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.