On Eagles’ Wings - Exodus 19:4

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

HANDS STRETCHED OUT - Exodus 17:11-13

Join David Guzik for a daily devotional: "Enduring Words for Troubled Times"

Miracle at the Jordan - Joshua 3

Pastor David Guzik preaches a special message at Dayspring Calvary Chapel, in Prescott, Arizona. Delivered on November 26th, 2023, Pastor David gives an impassioned sermon on God's promises and the faith needed to receive them. For more information on Dayspring Calvary Chapel, visit: https://ccdccv.com/ Explore David Guzik's written commentary on this passage: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/joshua-3/

HANDS STRETCHED OUT - Exodus 17:11-13

Join David Guzik for a daily devotional: "Enduring Words for Troubled Times"

THE BLAME GAME - Exodus 17:1-3

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

THE BLAME GAME - Exodus 17:1-3

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

What Is It? - Exodus 16:13-15

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

Why Cessationism Is Wrong | Part 2

Welcome to the second part in a 10 part video series by Pastor David Guzik on the reasons why cessationism is wrong. On the authority of the Bible and history, Pastor David refutes the cessationist belief that the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit are no longer available to Christians today, providing textual evidence and posing counter-questions to those who claim so.

What Is It? - Exodus 16:13-15

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

Bitter Made Sweet - Exodus 15:22-25

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

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