Rape / God Cares

Rape is a terrible crime, is under-reported and victims need help. Remember, God loves you and has compassion for you.

Ruth and Naomi

Hear a story about a mother and her special daughter-in-law. They chose to love God and be loyal to each other. They learned to trust God as the one who would take them under his wings and provide for them.

Dental Hygiene / Keeping our Live Clean

Most people don’t like to brush or floss their teeth, but if food stays on our teeth it can destroy them. Sin works the same way in our lives. If we don’t deal with sin, it will bring pain into our lives.

Crop Rotation / Lord over Nature

Crop rotation maintains the fertility of the soil and produces better crops. It even helps control insects. Jesus is Lord over nature. He used his power to help his friends. We can trust him to help us.

Sowing and Reaping / Jacob and Joseph

If you sow love and tenderness in your children’s lives, they are likely to grow into loving and tender adults. We reap what we sow. Plants seeds of love, patience, understanding and truth in your children’s lives as they grow up.

Family Influence / Jesus, a Real Person

Our family shapes us, but we make our own adult choices. The Bible gives much information about Jesus Christ, where he lived and who his family was. Jesus lives today; he loves you and wants to bring you hope.


Have you ever been hurt, or have wounded someone you love? Perhaps you are trying to put the pieces of a broken relationship back together. Jesus has the power to heal us. He came to take our pain and brokenness and make us new.

Conflict Resolution

Do you handle conflict well? We all put on different “armor” when we fight. Listen to some tips on how to handle disagreements in a peaceful way.

Trash / Forgiving Others

Learn some ways about getting rid of trash. Kate shares how we can get rid of some of the rubbish that builds up in our own lives and hearts.

HIV in Pregnancy

HIV is not a death sentence for a mother or baby but it must be managed carefully. People might judge and condemn those with HIV, but God is the only one who can judge people. He alone knows what is inside our hearts.

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