Paul and Baptism

What is baptismal regeneration? Did Paul believe and teach it? Pastor Chuck Smith explains it and much more in this episode of "The Word for Today".

Paul in Corinth

What is known about the ancient city of Corinth? Why would Paul leave Athens to go on to Corinth? In today's edition of "The Word for Today", Pastor Chuck Smith shares on this sin filled city and what Paul did.

The God Who is Complete

Does your "giving to God" benefit God? Can we help God out? Pastor Chuck Smith sets the record straight in this edition of "The Word for Today".

Epicurean Philosophy

What was the philosophy of the Epicureans and where did it lead? What was the philosophy of the Stoics and where did it lead them? How did Paul handle these philosophies? Listen to "The Word for Today" and find out.

Reasoning from Scripture

How did Paul share from the Old Testament how Jesus was to suffer and die? Pastor Chuck Smith shares how in today's episode of "The Word for Today".

The Call of God

How does God call people into ministry for Him? How do you discern if God is calling you to do a specific work? Pastor Chuck Smith addresses this important topic in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

Division in Antioch

What happened when the work of the Holy Spirit in and through the church was switched out for the work of man? Pastor Chuck Smith shares the danger of such in today's episode of "The Word for Today".

The Second Missionary Journey

Disagreements are always bad, right? Or have some worked out for good? Paul and Barnabas had a dispute, but was that really bad? Pastor Chuck Smith shares on their dispute and the result in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

The Jerusalem Council

Problems in the church are nothing new, as the early church had to work out some problems. Pastor Chuck Smith shares on those and today's church issues in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

Disrupting the Work of God

Have you experienced or noticed people trying to put you into bondage? These type of people exist and are quite busy these days, so what should you do? In today's edition of "The Word for Today", Pastor Chuck Smith shares on disrupting the work of God.

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