The Rebuilding of the Temple

A remnant has returned to the land to rebuild the temple only to run into various obstacles and challenges some from without and some from within. Such as . . .

Judgment of the Nations

Nations do not have the sovereignty they think they have, as God will . . .

Preserved by God

Zephaniah made some fascinating prophesies, some of which are happening even these days. Listen to Pastor Chuck Smith share in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

The Word of the Lord to Zephaniah

Who was Zephaniah? Who was he contemporary? There was a double fulfillment of some of his prophecies. Listen to Pastor Chuck Smith to learn more in this edition of "The Word for Today".

The Folly of Idols

Men have to have a god, and many make their own. However . . .

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

The king had a troubling dream which only one person dared to give an interpretation. Listen to pastor Chuch Smith share more on this in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

The Purity of God

"If you are using your body for immoral purposes and your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, you are . . ."

Moral Declension

Who was the prophet named Habakkuk? Why does Chuck Smith say, "It seems like evil is prevailing"? Listen to today's edition of "The Word for Today" to find out.

The Fall of Nineveh

In today's study in "The Word for Today", the prophet Nahum shares a "double prophecy". Join Pastor Chuck Smith as he continues his study of Nahum in "The Word for today".

God is Good!

Some people, who don't know God very well, say God isn't good. Chuck Smith shares a different understanding of that in today's edition of "The Word for Today". Why does he hold that it is important to know that about God? Listen to find out.

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