Israel Given to Her Enemies

"A hand came and picked him up by the hair and . . ."

The Destruction of False Gods

What does God have against worshiping other gods?

A False Sense of Security

Does your life deny Jesus Christ by the way you live? Why would God instruct the prophet to lie on his left side for 390 days?

Ezekiel Sent Out

Why did God send Ezekiel out to the Children of Israel?

The Cherubim

What are the cherubim? What did they do? What do they do now? Why was Moses told the have cherubim as part of the throne of God?

The Glory of God Shall Return

Why study the book of Ezekiel? After listening to this introductory to his study in this incredible book, you may well have a heightened interest. Listen to today's study by Chuck Smith in "The Word for Today".

Bless Those Who Curse You

What should you do when people curse you? In today's' edition of "The Word for Today", Pastor Chuck Smith shares what God says to do in those times.

Put Your Mind on the Lord!

What difference did it make for Jeremiah when he switched his mind off himself and situation over to thinking about God?

The Destruction of Jerusalem

What must have been like to witness as Jeremiah witnessed, the destruction of his city over 18 months?

Silence in Jerusalem

Why does Lamentations immediately follow Jeremiah? Chuck Smith's study moves on to the next book of the Bible, Lamentation, in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

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