The King's Mischief

More incredibly precise prophesies of Daniel are the subject in today's edition of "The Word for Today" with Chuck Smith.

The Three Kings

How could all these details have been prophesied so accurately?

The Government of Israel

What is ahead for the nation of Israel? Much, according to Pastor Chuck Smith. Learn more by listening to today's edition of "The Word for Today".

Seventy Sevens

What was the prophecy about seventy 7 year cycles? Why is it significant for today?

The End of Captivity

One prophet read another prophet's writing and discerned what was soon to happen. What was it and what would come of it?

The Anti-Christ Prevails

Who are the saints over whom the anti-Christ prevails?

Daniel's Prophecy of Belshazzar

What is different about the vision Daniel had in chapter 7 from the one earlier in the book of Daniel? What are the 10 horns representing in the forth beast?

Daniel in the Lions Den

Was the king's weak faith honored by God? What was Daniel's dream of beasts? Listen to Pastor Chuck Smith provide the answers in this edition of "The Word for Tdoay".

Daniel Interprets the King's Dream

"Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin" troubled the king. Why? What did it mean? Learn the meaning from Chuck Smith in this episode of "The Word for Today".

Belshazzar's Great Feast

Where did the phrase "the writing is on the wall" come from? It originally was used thousands of years ago. Listen to the account as given by Pastor Chuck Smith in this edition of "The Word for Today".

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