Mercy to a 1000 Generations

How is it that what some folks thing proves God is not a loving God when what they refer to actually proves the opposite? Pastor Chuck Smith shares the answer in this edition of "The Word for Today".

A Conditional Covenant

Why do we limit what God can do for us? How does this happen? Chuck Smith shares how in this episode of "The Word for Today".

The Importance of Obedience

God always answers prayer, doesn't He? Chuck Smith has an interesting answer for you if that is your question. Listen to this edition of "The Word for Today" to hear it.

Foolish Charges Against God

Who limits the work of God in your life? Pastor Chuck Smiths answer may not sit well with you. Listen to this edition of "The Word for Today" to hear it.

The Second Law

Moses already had given the law once, why bother giving it again? Chuck Smith shares why in this edition of "The Word for Today".

Spiritual Laws

How can/should someone live so that God's blessing is on them? Is it even possible? Pastor Chuck Smith shares on this in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

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