My360 Helper

David's Attitude Towards Death

What is a healthy attitude towards death? Learn the answer in this edition of "The Word for Today" with Chuck Smith.

David and Bathsheba

Does love happen at first sight? How did God deal with a secret sin? David and Bathsheba's story illustrates . . .

The Expansion of David's Kingdom

How did the king increase his kingdom? The late pastor, Chuck Smith shares how David expanded it in this edition of "The Word for Today".

David Dancing Before the Lord

How was it that a king would dance without regard of how he looked? How did he respond to a critic? Let the late pastor, Chuck Smith, share the answers in this edition of "The Word for Today".

Striving to Attain and Maintain

How can you balance the tension between "resting in the Lord", and "striving to attain"?

The Symbolic Usurping of Authority

What happened after King Saul died, but before David was crowned the new king? "The Word for Today" with Chuck Smith, looks at this active time in this edition.

David's Lament Over Saul

What was David's reaction and response when he learned his enemy had been slain? Learn the answer by listening to this episode of "The Word for Today" with Chuck Smith.

The Tragic Story of Saul

Why was King Saul's life called a failure by Chuck Smith? Listen to the reasons in this edition of "The Word for Today".

God's Protection of David

What are the results of incomplete obedience to God? In today's edition of "The Word for Today", the study focuses in on Chuck Smith's teaching on 1 Samuel 29.

Saul and the Witch of Endor

Are there witches in the Bible? How does King Saul illustrate many mixed-up people today? In today's episode of "The Word for Today", the late pastor, Chuck Smith, answers these questions and more.

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