Created for Good Works

Why were Christians saved? Why are they saved? Pastor Chuck Smith explains from scripture why in this episode of "The Word for Today".

Salvation Apart from Works

Is it possible for us to boast of our salvation? How is salvation obtained? Pastor Chuck Smith shares how in this edition of "The Word for Today".

The Prince of the Power of the Air

How is it that people can enjoy studying the Bible? How is it that some people spend their life seeking to pleasure themselves? Hear the explanations in today's episode of "The Word for Today" with Pastor Chuck Smith.

Things the Paul Says about You

How were living people considered dead? What does it mean to miss the mark as far as the way we live is concerned? Pastor Chuck Smith provides the answers in this episode of "The Word for Today".

God's Seal of Ownership

What is a deposit? What is the guarantee that you belong to God? Pastor Chuck Smith points out the answer in scripture in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

Holy and without Blame in Christ

As Christians, how will God see us when we die? Pastor Chuck Smith shares the answer in this edition of "The Word for Today".

What God Has Done for You

Are you doing things for God or are you doing what God has called you to do? Is there any difference? In this edition of "The Word for Today", Pastor Chuck Smith shares from his own experience how he learned the difference.

God's Highest Calling for Your Life

"It is a mistake to be someone God has not called you to do something God has not equipped you to do;" Why would Pastor Chuck Smith make such a statement? Listen to this edition of "The Word for Today" and find out.

You Who Are Spiritual

What is a spiritual person supposed to do? God has declared a specific task you should do. Hear it in this edition of "The Word for Today" with Pastor Chuck Smith.

The Flesh Versus the Spirit

Christian, you have a choice to make, quite often. Will you walk in the flesh or walk in the spirit? What does it matter? Pastor Chuck Smith explains how it matters in this edition of "The Word for Today".

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