Spiritual Discipline

What did Paul think about discipline, both of the body and the spirit? Why did God use clouds and fire with the ancient Israelites? Pastor Chuck Smith provides the answer in this episode of "The Word for Today".

Money and the Ministry

What are you to do when a rich man in ministry wants you to give your little money to them? What did Paul do? Pastor Chuck Smith shares the answer in this episode of "The Word for Today".

Exercising Freedom in Christ

Should you always exercise your rights? What did the Apostle Paul say? Pastor Chuck Smith addresses this and more in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

Serving the Lord without Distraction

What is the right thing to do when a man seems to have to choose between his ministry or pleasing/serving his wife? Hear Pastor Chuck Smith's answer according to the scriptures in this edition of "The Word for Today".

Unbelieving Spouses

"When the church is raptured, will the little children go up, too?" Pastor Chuck Smith addresses this question in today's edition of "The Word for Today". His answer may surprise you.

The Mess in Corinth

Why should people get married? Pastor Chuck Smith provides an answer which may surprise you in this episode of "The Word for Today".

Washed, Sanctified and Justified

What should be the goal of a Christian? Pastor Chuck Smith's answer to that question may well surprise you. Hear it for yourself in this edition of "The Word for Today".

Legal Matters in the Church

Should Christians ever go to court for resolutions of problems? How should they handle these types of things? Pastor Chuck Smith points out what the scriptures say on this matter in today's edition of "The Word for Today".

Distinction from the World

Are Christians to live a monastic existence? What should a Christian do about immoral people? What idols have you allowed into your life? Pastor Chuck Smith shares on these questions and more in this edition of "The Word for Today".

The Problem of Divisions

Which way should it be with churches: should they be competitive or complimentary? What should churches do about immorality by a church member? Pastor Chuck Smith addresses these questions in this episode of "The Word for Today".

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