Spiritual Defilement

"He ordered them to eat pork." Who did? Why? What happened next?

Jesus Calms the Wind

"Jesus put them in this position of toil and storm." Why?

Herodias and John

John the Baptist pointed out sin in the king's life. The king's wife was furious and sought a way to take care of the situation.

The Unbelief in Nazareth

How is it that just after raising a girl back from death to life, some people could not believe in Jesus?

Jesus Heals the Sick

He was in a hopeless situation, unable to take his child's sickness from her, who better to turn to than . . .

Be Christlike

What should a Christian be like?

Hear and Receive

Why are Christians not as productive as they could be for the Kingdom of God?

The Reason for Parables

If Jesus wanted the people to understand His teaching, why did He used parables?

Holding Back the Work of God

"The person who Jesus is always interested in working in was . . ."

Feed the Spirit

Why did Jesus come? What did Jesus say as to why He came?

The Man with Palsy

His preaching was interrupted by people messing up the roof and lowering a sick man. How did Jesus handle this situation? Why did it happen?

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