Lesson 619: From Infancy to Maturity (Romans 12:2a)

If we want to make a difference in the world, we must be different from the world. And that is possible only by being transformed by God’s Word. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 618: Four Words for Authentic Christians (Romans 12:1)

Sacrifice is at the heart of all true worship of God. God calls us to offer our lives, in every part and in every detail—everything we say, do, and think—in sacrifice to Him and in gratitude to Him. This is worship, and it is the only reasonable response to God and His work. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 617: The Highest Peak of Divine Truth (Romans 11:33-36)

It is impossible with our finite minds to fully grasp the mind and ways of God. But the Bible makes this much very clear: Who God is and what He has done—and is doing—demands that we give Him all glory, forever. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 616: How to Exit Planet Earth (Romans 11:25-32)

God’s plan for Jews and Gentiles, for believers and unbelievers, is clearly set forth for us in Scripture. So, too, is His “exit strategy,” the divinely established means of reaching a new, eternal home once we leave this world behind. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 615: Grafted into the Goodness of God (Romans 11:16-24)

God’s grace leaves no place for arrogance. As we understand His gracious work of salvation in our lives, we should humbly, thankfully, turn our thoughts toward the Lord, acknowledging Him for who He is, exalting Him, and submitting to His transforming work in us. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 614: Jealousy That Leads People to Jesus (Romans 11:11-15)

God’s eternal plan is being worked out today, though often out of sight; but it will one day be revealed in all its fullness. That is His promise and assurance to both Jews and Gentiles who put their trust in Jesus Christ. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 613: Proof That God Is Totally Reliable (Romans 11:1-10)

Rejecting Christ has serious eternal consequences for individuals and even nations. But unbelief does not alter God’s plan or His work of seeking and saving individuals. Neither does it cancel His eternal promises to us. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 612: The Power of Sacred Music (Romans 10:16-21)

People do not reject the gospel because it is too difficult to understand. Salvation by grace is just something they do not want. Yet we can be confident God is still working and patiently waiting on unbelievers, appealing to them through us, as we proclaim the gospel of Christ. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 611: God’s Part and Our Part (Romans 10:14-15)

The gospel of Jesus Christ is a simple message. It just needs simple messengers like us to faithfully communicate it to our world. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 610: Currency for the Bank of Heaven (Romans 10:4-13)

The righteousness we all need to be acceptable to God is readily available to us and absolutely free. It comes not from our faultless performance but from a faultless Person—Jesus Christ. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

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