The Mystery of the Church Is Revealed
We, the church of Jesus Christ, are the blessed recipients of God's gracious work of salvation. But we are also a divine display for the ages and for all creation of God's wisdom, grace, and love. These are the themes that run through the third chapter of Ephesians.
The Biography of the Believer
The depths of God's grace toward us can be most appreciated only when we see where we are in light of where we once were. Paul reminds us that we were dead; now we are alive. We were separated from God; now we have been brought near in Christ.
The Believer's True Blessings
We may never be among the world's wealthiest people. But the Bible says that in Christ we possess the spiritual wealth of God's gracious blessings, which will result in His eternal praise. Paul gives us a glimpse of some of those blessings in the first chapter of Ephesians.
Keeping in Step with the Spirit
Christian character may be developed quietly as we learn God's Word, obey His commands, and resist the lure of sin. But as Paul concludes his letter to the Galatians, he offers some specific, practical ways Christlike character is to be revealed in the way we conduct our lives.
Forbidden Sin or the Fruit of the Spirit?
Many people claim the title of Christian. But what does a true follower of Christ look like? What are the marks of a believer? The apostle Paul answers in Galatians chapter 5, and it is all about being like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Responsibilities of Freedom in Christ
In Christ we are free from the bondage of keeping laws and rules to attain and maintain God's approval. We are free through faith in Christ to truly follow Him and love one another, living a life that does not give in to either legalism or license.
The Benefits of Freedom in Christ
We must be alert to the subtle temptation to ground our relationship with the Lord on our efforts and works. To adopt this position in any measure is to contradict the gospel of grace. The apostle Paul brings clarity to this issue in chapters 3 and 4 of Galatians.
Keeping Poison Out of the Gospel
If the doctrines we teach as Christians are not totally grounded in the Bible, we run the risk of perverting the truth and leading others astray. Paul's presentation and defense of the true gospel reminds us of how careful and thorough we must be in our study and teaching.
No Room for Compromise
The gospel of grace is the true gospel of Paul, the apostles, and the Scriptures. To water down the message of salvation by grace alone is to challenge the effectiveness and even the necessity of Christ's death. Like Paul, we must make every effort to preserve the gospel.
When Angels Should Be Avoided
As it was for the apostle Paul, the gospel of Jesus Christ is not a message of human origin. It is the truth of God given to us by God. We can never compromise on it, for to do so is to surrender the only sure hope of salvation for humanity.