Pt 1: What is the Gospel?
A lot of people struggle in answering this question: "What is the Gospel?" Here's a short and easy-to-follow explanation that will help you understand.
Are you prepared to face persecution for your faith in Jesus? The time is rapidly approaching, and in some ways is already here, that we will encounter a level of persecution that most in Western societies have yet to experience. Learn how to spiritually prepare for physical persecution.
A Better Way to Overcome Negativity
Do you seem to have a cloud of negativity that hovers over you wherever you go? Everyday life combined with the pressures of the world have a tendency to wear down the best of us and, all too easily, get us stuck in a trap of despair. In this short video, learn effective biblical insights to help break free from negativity.
A Better Way to Overcome Worry
Are you feeling overwhelmed with worry and anxiety? Learn how to put aside all that weighs you down and, in turn, gain control over your life again.
A Better Way to Overcome Bitterness
Do you find yourself overwhelmed with intense feelings of resentment towards those who wrong you? When expectations in people or things aren't met, a spirit of bitterness can overtake us. Discover biblical practices that will help you overcome bitterness.
A Better Way to Overcome Impatience
Do you find yourself getting easily irritated or aggitated with others? An unexpected solution for becoming more patient with people will help you overcome impatience.