Carrying Your Own Load

What you so a lot of, you will read a lot of. What does that mean?

God Multiplying What You Have

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how there was a ministry that needed people to simply hold babies in Africa. Mark is reminding you how God can take the littlest thing and turn it into something amazing for His glory. Whatever little thing you may have to give or help others, don't think it is insignificant. Just with your hands and feet, God can do miracles.

God Is Looking for You

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how God is looking for people to take what they have and offer it to Him that He may do amazing things with it. It doesn't take doing something spectacular like going on a mission trip to Africa, but just the time or abilities that you have. God can do amazing things through you with just what you have right now.

Being a God Thanking Person

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how you may not be thanking God for everything you have. Mark emphasizes how you must stop complaining about all that you have or don't have and how you must start thanking God for those things. It's out of contentment, humility and appreciation that God may bless you.

Your Dream Car

Do you complain about your job, car or spouse? Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about thanking and praising God for whatever you have. Change your attitude and know that whatever car God has blessed you with, is your dream car.

Giving What You Have to God

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about Jesus in Matthew chapter twenty six where He took bread, gave thanks and fed a multitude of people. Mark reminds you that when you take what you have, give thanks and give it to God, amazing things can happen.

Seeking God in All Things

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how you may do things on your own, in your own power and not seek God in everything that you do. Mark gives a reminder that you should seek God in all things and realize that without Him, you have no power.

Godly Teachable Moments with Your Children

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how Jesus created teachable moments. Mark talks about how he found teachable moments with his children and that you should also find godly teachable moments with your children. Don't let the world or school be the only teachers for your children, teach them at home as well, based on godly principles.

Focusing on God

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about putting your focus on God. You may be focused on your problems right now. Switch your focus, put it on God and the picture of your life can change to a landscape of God's love.

You Are a Child of God

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about not forgetting who you are. You are a child of the living God and Mark encourages you to never forget it.

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