Be Patient [God Is in Control]

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about being patient and waiting on God. We want things when we want them, but God may have a better plan, and as Mark explains, we need to learn how to wait with expectation.

God Is Sovereign [Knows All Sees All]

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark Jobe reminds you that God is sovereign. Which means that God is over all things and the ultimate power. You may not understand what's happening but God does. It should be comforting to know that the God of the universe who wants to have a relationship with you, has a plan and a purpose for your life.

A Purpose and a Plan

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how God has a purpose and plan for your life. Mark encourages you to be patient in whatever you are going through, because God has a purpose and a plan for your life.

Bring the Presence of Jesus on Christmas

Merry Christmas! Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark Jobe sends out a challenge for you to bring the presence of Jesus into your Christmas gathering. Whether you are spending Christmas with one person or a hundred, or whether it is your father or mother who always prays during get-togethers, how about today you be the one to bring the presence of Jesus into your gathering with a prayer of thanks.

The Good News [What It Is]

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark Jobe talks about what the good news of Jesus is. Mark explains how the gospel is a gift from God and a joyful thing. It is for all people and no matter what you have gone through, God loves you and gave His only son for you.

God's Way [Instead of Your Way]

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark shares how you should do things God's way and trust Him. When you want to do things your way all the time, it can be difficult to let go and let God do things His way.

Do What's Right

A definition of integrity is, doing the right thing when no one is looking. Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how doing what is right can be a scary thing at times. We are often tempted to do what's wrong, but Mark challenges us to do what's right, fear not and receive the blessing of God that will follow.

A God in Us Story

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about when you truly come to the cross of Jesus Christ and put Him at the center of your life, your life will be interrupted. Your life story will change from your story to "a God in us story."

The Jesus Story

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about the story of Jesus and what His incarnation represents. It is a reminder of the amazing story of Jesus and how important the incarnation of Jesus is.

The Reason for Jesus

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark gives you a reminder of who Jesus is and how He has always existed. In this season when we celebrate Jesus being physically born as baby, it is important to remember that Jesus is also all God.

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