Don't Go There!

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about the problems with doing things you shouldn't do or going places you need to stop going. Listen as Mark shares a very simple solution to fix the problem.

How to Be Used by God

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark Jobe talks about how you can be used by God. You can used by God when you shun the things that are not of God and draw closer to the things that do. This may mean not going to some of the places you used to go to or not hanging around people who want to do the things you have stopped doing because it does not line up with God.

Face Your Fears [How To]

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark Jobe challenges you to face your fears and overcome them. You can have a fear of a real relationship with God because of what you think you may lose or have to give up. You may have a fear of flying. There are a myriad of fears you can have, and Pastor Mark wants you to face them, and end them.

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