Clear the Clutter!

Short features to encourage you toward rest and greater life balance.

Quiet Quitting is it stealing?

Short features to encourage you toward rest and greater life balance.

When I Work, I Work But when I'm off, I'm off

Short features to encourage you toward rest and greater life balance.

Shhhhhhhh Quiet please

Short features to encourage you toward rest and greater life balance.

Ran the 100 meters in 62 95 seconds! #livewell #lifestyle #lifebalance

Pursuing greater intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life-balance

Chronos time vs Kairos time

Short features to encourage you toward rest and greater life balance.

Leisure time NOT A life of leisure

Short features to encourage you toward rest and greater life balance.

Remember the Sabbath

Short features to encourage you toward rest and greater life balance.

Content or Content ?

Short features to encourage you toward rest and greater life balance.

NO is a complete sentence

Short features to encourage you toward rest and greater life balance

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