What kind of influence do you have? #leadership #influencer
Purusing Greater Intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life balance.
Rightsizing versus Downsizing RSM #livewell #lifebalance
Pursuing greater intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life-balance
Less equals more RSM #lifebalance #lifestyle #contentment
Pursuing greater intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life-balance
Silence is indispensible RSM #quietlife #lifebalance #livehealthy
Pursuing greater intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life-balance
Our Noisy World RSM #livewell #healthylifestyle #silence #solitude
Pursuing greater intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life-balance
The hardest languge to learn RSM
Pursuing greater intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life-balance
the great commandment then the great commission RSM #rest then work
Pursuing greater intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life-balance
We are human beings not human doings RSM #lifebalance #lifebalance #livewell #healthyliving
Are you a hard charger? RSM #slowdown #lifebalance #relationships
Pursuing greater intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life-balance
Blowing Past Relationships RSM #lifebalance #livewell #rest #relationships
Pursuing greater intimacy with God and others through the practice of rest and life-balance