Between Laughter and Tears

Our world holds two strange realities which shape our lives. Every day there is birth and new life. And yet, we see daily decay and death at work. 

Jesus, Doorway to Eternity

Is this all there is? If it's not, how to we get to wherever we go after this life?

The Well Lived Life Isn’t a Productive One

I hate to tell you this, but there aren't going to be any awards on the other end of life for the person who got the most work done.

Hope When Our Best Falls Short

Imagine that you're an exhausted mother at home with two toddlers and a newborn baby. After little sleep most nights, you wake up to a messy house and piles of dirty laundry. Your days are weary blurs caring for little people as best you can.  You usually make dinner, but one day your husband comes home to no dinner, children crying, the home a mess, and you on the brink of tears. Now this is a man who doesn't take excuses. He looks at the results! So, he yells at you, pointing out all your mistakes and all the ways you're not measuring up.

Is it Unspiritual to Struggle?

Experts say that perfectionism is increasing, and with it, mental health struggles.

The Risky Investment with the Eternal Reward

Financial experts tell us that investments carry risk, and higher risk tends to correlate with higher returns.

Our Greatest Rescue When Trapped

One of the worst feelings a person can have is that of being utterly and hopelessly trapped.

How Can God Tell Us Not To Fear?

God tell us not to fear 365 times in the Bible. Have you ever wondered how He can ask that of us? After all, we're only human!

As You Think, So You Are

Your thoughts shape your reality, and if you don't take control of them, they'll shape you; it's time for a thought audit to reclaim your mind and your life.

Calling Messengers of Hope Like You

Jesus has a good news assignment for you.

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