How Can God Tell Us Not To Fear?
God tell us not to fear 365 times in the Bible. Have you ever wondered how He can ask that of us? After all, we're only human!
Dissolving our Double Standards With Mercy
Mercy beats judgment every time!
How God Views Your Mistakes
What does God think of your mistakes and failures?
A Living Faith is More Than Words
Faith without action is a bit like a garden without any flowers.
The Forgotten Gift: Finding True Identity in Rest
It's easy to feel you've only earned a break after you prove yourself but did you know God wants you to find your identity in the gift of His rest?
Knowing When It's Time to Get Help
When overwhelmed by too much responsibility, take a lesson from Moses and seek wise counsel to help distribute the load and bring clarity to your tasks.
God’s Ocean of Love for You
If you've never been to the ocean or it's been a while, rest assured--its never-ending waves are still majestically crashing onto the beach.
Escaping the Criticism Trap: Let it Go and Love
No one likes to receive criticism, but most of us are pretty good at giving it.
What Motivates You at Work?
Have you ever been caught procrastinating by an authority figure and quickly pretended that you were working?
A Roundabout Way
God's way is always loving but not always what we'd expect.