The Boldest Claim of Jesus

Google "Who was Jesus?" and you'll get more than a billion results in just over half a second.

Escaping Transactional Living

Jesus invites you out of a transactional world all about what you can get from others and into a relationship where you can freely give and freely receive.

Faith the Does the Next Thing

When life is turned upside down, the righteous respond with unwavering faith, trusting in God's promises and doing the next thing in front of them.

When the Pressure’s On...Stand and Wait

The last thing you want to do in an emergency is stand around and wait. But that's exactly what God told someone in trouble to do.

Sabbath: Six Different Ways to Really Rest

Are you too tired to even take a real refreshing break? Discover 6 types of rest commonly forgotten when we’re most exhausted. 

There’s Fresh Strength for You Each Morning

Has there been a time in your life when you really wished you wouldn't wake up the next morning?

God is Right Where You Are

Have you ever looked for God in times of trouble, questioning and loneliness? Mario wanted to go to church, but he had no car, and his badly injured leg made the 6-mile walk agonizingly painful, sometimes keeping him from getting there. On those days, he felt isolated and cut off from the world, wondering why God allowed his crooked leg or his wife's departure three years earlier. Alone with his unanswered questions, he thought God might help him if he could just get to church.

Helping Children Process Tragedies

In the face of tragedy, it's vital to support children by comforting them, slowing down, answering their questions, allowing for grief, and offering physical closeness, as Romans 12:15 reminds us to "rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."

What’s Wrong with Gambling?

Horses, cards, lotto, slots...fantasy football? Are you a gambler?

Understanding the Quality God Really Loves

God values and honors those who live in humility with Him and others.

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