The Claims Of Christ

Many today question whether Jesus was (or is) who He claims to be. Certainly He was a good teacher and a gifted leader. But was He more? Today we take an in depth look at the claims of Christ.

Jesus Came To Heal The Hopeless

The Bible is filled with people and circumstances that at first glance looked hopeless. But as we’ll find out in today’s teaching, Jesus came to heal the hopeless.

God’s Love Crosses All Borders

In these times of separation and exclusion among people, today’s teaching is a vivid reminder that God is no respecter of persons.

Keeping Our Big Heads Out Of The Way

You’ve heard the expression “You’re getting too big for your britches.” It refers to someone who has an unrealistic and inflated idea of whom they are. When it comes to life and ministry we need to heed today’s exhortation to keep our “big heads” out of the way.

An Encounter With Nicodemus

Today we look at the life of a man who wanted to follow Jesus but let the opinion of others get in his way. It’s a lesson many can learn from- to avoid that is.

Follow Others As They Follow Christ

We all have examples of persons whose behavior or successes can be emulated. But since Christ is our ultimate role model, we follow others as they follow Him.

We Have The Ultimate Role Model

Young or not so young, we all need role models in our lives. Today we start a new study in the Book of John where we find the ultimate role model for us all.

Help Is On The Way

No subject is more important or is so fully the key to sound theology as is that of the Covenant. The believer that is clear about God’s covenant of grace will be a well rooted and grounded believer- especially in times of turmoil and distress. Today we look at the 89th division of the Book of Psalms, written at a time when troubles were thick and heavy upon the dynasty of David and the land of Judah. But David knew what we all need to know at those times: Help Is On The Way.

When Mistrust Becomes A Bad Thing

In life a certain amount of skepticism can be wise, but we should never let it lead us down the wrong path. That’s exactly what we’ll see in today passage.

Whose World Is This?

Sometimes we like to think that the world not only revolves around us, but that it’s also our own personal picnic ground. In today’s message we’re going to be reminded that we need to wake up and smell the coffee.

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