There Are Benefits To Suffering

there is no questioning God’s ability to use suffering in our lives in ways we can’t imagine.

Instructions For The Mission

Following instructions is not only important when assembling things, it’s crucial to living the Christian life. In Ruth chapter one, Dr. Tony Hart uses Ruth’s story as a vivid example of this vital discipline.

The Resurrection calls Us To A Special Life

As Dr. Tony Hart today wraps up his series in the book of John, we look at the resurrection of Christ which challenges us to never be the same, and to rise to the challenge of new life in Him.

Who Gets The Blame For The Crucifixion?

Blame… whenever we go about determining guilt, in most circumstances there is usually enough blame to go around. In today’s message Dr. Tony Hart looks at who is to blame for the crucifixion of Christ. The answer may surprise you.

Learning From Peter's Mistakes

All of us would do better if we would take heed to the mistakes of others and avoid making the same ones ourselves. Today we learn from the mistakes of Peter in John chapter 18.

Countdown To The Cross

Countdowns are filled with wonder and anticipation. The same was true as Jesus got nearer… and nearer… and nearer to the cross. We’re in John chapter 18.

The Prayer Of Jesus Part 3

Join us as we continue to look at the Prayer of Jesus in John chapter 17. In today’s passage we learn that Jesus’ concern was not merely for the external needs of His children. Jesus looked deeper, and so should we.

The Prayer Of Jesus Part 2

It’s always nice to be singled out and to be shown some individual attention. In today’s message from John chapter 17 Jesus singles out His children by praying specifically for them. Join us as Dr. Tony Hart continues to explore the insights in Jesus’ prayer.

The Prayer Of Jesus

Jesus’ disciples never asked Him to teach them how to open blinded eyes, or how to heal the sick, or how to raise the dead. Their cry was, “Lord, teach us how to pray.” In today’s message from John chapter 17 Jesus teaches us a lot about prayer and about Himself.

Jesus Encourages His Disciples

Having access to some political figure or famous personality has its perks, but in today’s message with Dr. Tony Hart, Jesus encourages his disciples and us with a reminder of our access to the Father, and more.

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