Love Your Enemies Part 2

It is really possible to show love towards our enemies? Not only is it possible, it's commanded.

Love Your Enemies Part 1

Jesus' command to love our enemies is one of the hardest to understand or to execute. But, it is possible.

Four Commands For The Well Dressed Christian Part 2

There are things we as believers can put on that make us ready to take on the world. Are you a well-dressed Christian?

Four Commands For The Well Dressed Christian Part 1

As Christians we don’t merely live by a set of do’s and don’ts, but there are guidelines that we must follow if we are to look our best for God.

The Anatomy Of Long Suffering Part 2

We all probably remember the saying “Please be patience with me, God is not finished with me yet.” I’m also sure that we all can relate to it. As we remember that God is still working out some things in our lives, we will find the grace to be patient and long suffering with others. Today’s message with Dr. Tony Hart will help us all along the journey.

The Anatomy Of Long Suffering Part 1

Today’s message is a study in long suffering. All of us have experienced the kind of challenging relationships that have tested our ability and willingness to bear with one another. Encouragement is on the way in today’s teaching with Dr. Tony Hart.

Look More Like Christ Part 2

If you’ve ever had the experience of being either overdressed or under dressed for an occasion, you know how embarrassing that can be. But in spiritual matters you never have to worry if you’re clothed like Christ.

Look More Like Christ Part 1

None of us would leave the house in the morning without looking in the mirror and doing whatever we need to do in order to look physically presentable to the world. We should take as much care when it comes to our inward appearance. As Christians our goal is to look like Christ.

Why Do We Lie Part 2

The impulse to lie can be an overwhelming one. The fear of being found out or the fear of hidden motives being uncovered can push the best of us over the edge if we’re not careful. Dr. Tony Hart finishes his message on this provocative subject in today’s teaching. Get your bibles and join in.

Why Do We Lie Part 1

A lie has been defined as a deliberate misinterpretation of fact with intent to deceive, and lies come in many forms: a look, a shrug of the shoulders, even our silence can be purposely misleading. Today’s message is challenging. Get ready, here’s Dr. Tony Hart with the Word for today.

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