God Doesn’t Play Favorites
Can you think of someone you like? Someone you don’t like? Today’s teaching reminds us that we may have favorites, but God doesn’t operate that way.
4 Rules For Raising Children
Today we’ll be looking at 4 things from Ephesians 6 that will offer us wisdom on how to raise godly children in today’s godless society.
Building Bridges Across The Generation Gap
The generation gap between parents and children goes way back- but so does the wisdom God gives in His Word that helps us build the bridges that we can use to cross it.
She Is Really Me
There is a synergy in marriage that produces something greater than the sum of the two people who are joined together. Marriage is unique. It is the example that God has chosen to represent His love for His people.
Christ is The Example Of Demonstrating Love
Ever wonder what real, true love looks like? You need look no further than the life of Christ. Everything He did was motivated by love, and He’s the example we ought to imitate.
What It Looks Like When You’re Filled With The Holy Spirit
There are some biblical evidences that indicate the Holy Spirit’s filling in the life of the believer. Want to know what they are? Stay tuned.
The Cost of Fidelity Insurance
Tune into today’s teaching to learn the cost of Fidelity Insurance.
Follow The Light
As believers we have been called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. When we walk in His light, we don’t stumble. That’s today’s teaching from Ephesians chapter 5.
Follow The Leader
Follow The Leader is a traditional childhood game that has been played by generation after generation. A child is chosen as the leader and the rest of the children line up right behind. They must then copy all the actions of the leader. If the leader runs, they run. If the leader jumps, they must jump. Anyone who does not copy a movement is out. It’s a simple game, but it’s filled with learning opportunities, just like today’s teaching.
Grieve Not The Holy Spirit
Both quenching the Spirit and grieving the Spirit hinder a godly lifestyle. Just as we don’t like to be grieved, we should not quench or grieve the Holy Spirit by refusing to follow His leading.