
Is it really possible to live a life filled with joy? Listen to Paul Schroeder in this edition of "The Word Today", and decide for yourself.



Storms happen. How did Jesus use a storm to show His followers Who He is?


Being a dad should . . .


Some deny it, some fear it, but it will come. What? Judgment is coming, so how can one be ready for it?


Its always great to start new, but what is the best way to do so?


Have you heard of the fight between one man and 900 other men?


If you think you understand how glorious salvation is, you will gain from listening to this edition of "The Word Today" to expand your understanding of this gift.


The angel said the baby's name would be "Jesus", but why? What was so special about this little baby?


The tour of Bethlehem continues in today's episode of "The Word Today" and is led by Paul Schroeder who had just returned from a trip there.

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