ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ-I Will Remove Your Lampstand
What does Scripture mean when the Lord tells the Church at Ephesus that He'll remove their lampstand? Andy's Footsteps Blog
ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ-Losing Your First Love
Anne Graham Lotz says the greatest sin is not loving the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Andy's Footsteps Blog
What are hurting people looking for? Andy's Footsteps Blog
MARK JOBE-A Very Open Season
Dr. Mark Jobe is seeing that many people are open to the Gospel these days. Andy's Footsteps Blog
STOYKO PETKOV-If I Really Care About You
If we care about others, we must tell them about Jesus. Andy's Footsteps Blog
STOYKO PETKOV-A Personal Relationship
It is not enough to know about Jesus, we must have an actual relationship with Him. Andy's Footsteps Blog
ED CANNON_A Funeral And A Radio
FEBC President Ed Cannon shares the story of an unusual funeral in Indonesia. Andy's Footsteps Blog
DAVID MCCREARY-The Lord Is A Good Shepherd
TWR's David McCreary reads a letter from a Sundanese listener. Andy's Footsteps Blog
Where do the Sundanese people live? Andy's Footsteps Blog
After years of prayer, Cuba is experiencing a spiritual awakening. Andy's Footsteps Blog