HARRY BETTIG-I Am Ready Right Now

God is using TWR to reach people in Afghanistan. Andy's Footsteps Blog

HARRY BETTIG-Different And Refreshing

TWR often broadcasts into countries where it's very difficult for missionaries to go. Andy's Footsteps Blog


What is the current condition of Christianity in Russia? Andy's Footsteps Blog

EVGENY BAKHMUTSKY-Russia And The Reformation

Evgeny Bakhmutsky gives us a Christian history lesson on Russia and the Protestant Reformation. Andy's Footsteps Blog

MEI-Red Songs

What are "red songs," and why are Chinese churches singing them? Andy's Footsteps Blog

PAVEL SHIFMAN-The Great Opportunity Of Hate Messages

Even listener complaints can be used as an opportunity to begin a discussion about Jesus. Andy's Footsteps Blog

PAVEL SHIFMAN-It Answers Their Questions

TWR Motion's "Share the Story" is being used to introduce Russians to Jesus. Andy's Footsteps Blog

PAVEL SHIFMAN-Reaching Russian Buddhists

TWR Motion is developing a new animated series that will be used to share Jesus with Russian Buddhists. Andy's Footsteps Blog

JOHN SORENSEN-He Would Slap His Knee

How do we handle fear when telling someone about Jesus? Andy's Footsteps Blog

ALAN TRAVERS-A Dying Request

What was a grandmother's dying request? Andy's Footsteps Blog

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