My360 Helper

Are You Tired?

If you are weary and tired, if you are losing sleep due to worry over the future, check out Dr. Joy Greene' prescription to overcome it.

Overcome Fear

Do you know how to overcome fear instead of being overcome by fear? Dr. Joy Greene shares how in this episode of "Joytime Ministries".

Living By Faith

Christians choose to live by faith and not by what we understand. Let. Dr. Joy Greene share with you how in this edition of "Joytime Ministries".

Filled with Joy and Peace

How can you be filled with joy and peace? Dr. Joy Greene shares how it is possible. Listen to today's edition of "Joytime Ministries".

Showing Love to Difficult People

How can you express love to someone who is difficult to love?

What to Do?

Are you at a crossroads of life? Do you have a decision to make? Dr. Joy Greene shares some advice for you in today's edition of "Joytime Ministries".

Peaceful Living

Since Jesus is the "Prince of Peace", how can we live in that peace He offers?

Strength to Keep Going

If you feel ready to give up, now is the time to listen to Dr. Joy Greene's words of encouragement in this edition of "Joytime Ministries".

Is God Hearing My Prayer?

Sometimes it feels like God isn't listening to prayer. But . . .

Time for a Reset?

Do you feel it is time for a new beginning? Right now is a great time for it. Dr. Joy tells about how it can happen, so listen to this episode of "Joytime Ministries" to learn more.

Do things Feel Hopeless?

Don't loss hope or heart because . . .

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