Losing Hope?

How can we have hope even in what looks to be a hopeless situation?

My Way! My Time!

Is "My way! My Time!" really the best way and the best use of your time? Dr. Joy Greene holds that it isn't and shares a better way and better use of time in this edition of "Joytime Ministries".

Surrounded by Noise

We are surrounded by the noisiness of life. Where do you go to get alone with God? Listen to Dr. Joy share on this in today's edition of "Joytime Ministries".

In His Hands!

Why is the little simple song is more true to Dr. Joy today than when she was a little girl? Listen to her say why in this edition of "Joytime Ministries".

When It Rains - It Pours!

When difficult times just keep coming, and the storm continues, what can we remember to help us get through? Dr. Joy Greene has a prescription for you on today's episode of "Joytime Ministries".

Impossible Problems

Even when we have "reason to worry or fear", we can remember something which brings peace to our inmost being. Dr. Joy Greene reminds us what that is in today's edition of "Joytime Ministries".

Our Words Matter

You can't take them back, so what does 1 Corinthians 13 have to say about our words when we want to give someone a piece of our mind?

A Hopeless Feeling

Have you ever had "the rug pulled out from under you"? What do you need to remember when that happens? Let Dr. Joy tell you in today's episode of "Joytime Ministries".

A Special Prayer

Dr. Joy found a sign which has a special prayer written on it which brought her to conviction. Listen to her tell of the occasion in today's edition of "Joytime Ministries".

Kindness Matters

Does kindness matter to God? When you see someone hurting, do you stop to consider how you can help?

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