I haven't been in church in 15 years on Sunday because I work every weekend. I know that I heard God tell me to find a new job so I could be in His house on Sunday's and also that we were going to move. My wife and I had a plan to downsize our home in order for me to do that But my son-in-law quit his job and there was no place for my daughter son-in-law and 2 granddaughters to move but into our home. Now our expenses are greater and I can no longer leave my job or downsize and I'm also having a problem tithing and paying my bills. Also my adult son lost his job and had to move in with us. I'm glad that we can help our family but now we're having to look for extra part time jobs at a time when we should be downsizing. Will your seeking God's wisdom and guidance and we want to make sure we are still in his will.
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