My name is Rick. I was born in the U.S. and currently live in California. I served in the US Military and in law enforcement. I climbed to the highest levels in all I did. I was... a tough type. But I always prayed, gave 10% to God. I see lots of hate [coming out of the science community] towards [Christian] beliefs. [A while back], I visited Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The city of David and King Solomon. I even tried on King Solomon's ring (either the real one or an exact replica). Afterward, I started having visions such as Ornias "King of Demons" coming for the ring. I have also had visions of Jesus during the era of King Herod. I believe Jesus has been speaking to me. Please pray for me about this. When I wore that King Solomon ring, [it was almost like an out-of-body experience]--like I was on a path from heaven. I need your prayers for my soul.
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