I have been separated from my husband of 25 years for over a year now. He decided to leave our marriage and family for someone, with some fame, who he met online. I had initially thought that God would restore our family but my hope for that changed when he visited her in her country recently. He has left me financial destitute, giving me no money to survive after walking out of the big house I am rambling around in now by myself. He won't help our kids financially either; his goal is to get back to his mistress and her son so he can start his life with his third family now. I am deeply in despair. He is now threatening me to intimidate me into settling with a quicky divorce without lawyers and what he offered doesn't honor hour 25 year marriage. I gave up my career to be a mother to our children and his from a previous marriage; I also had to homeschool our kids. I am not financially stable and have no money and he knows this. Please pray for me and our family that God will bring justice. Please pray that God will give us a judge who believes in Jesus Christ. And, please pray for our family to heal as I try to reconstruct my life.
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