Discipleship Essentials: Module 2: Understanding Salvation

1: How Can I Know that I am Saved?

The purpose of this lesson is to understand assurance of salvation. This assurance is for each believer and for those with whom they share the Gospel or disciple.

2: Who is God? What is He Like?

The purpose of this lesson is to gain a Biblical understanding of who God is, and His attributes given to us in Scriptures.

3: Knowing Man According to the Bible

The purpose of this lesson is to gain a Biblical understanding of who man is in relation to God, and how sin has affected our ability to fulfill the intended purpose of our life.

4: What is Sin According to the Bible

The purpose of this lesson is to understand what sin really means. Participants will understand the problem of sin, how it came into the world, its results, and what God has done to resolve the problem of sin in the world.

5: What is Salvation According to the Bible

The purpose of this lesson is to understand the message of salvation, and how to share it with those around us.

6: Faith and How I Can Get It

The purpose of this lesson is to understand the term faith and how it is used in the Bible. Participants will also look at how to build their faith from a biblical perspective.

7: Regeneration

The purpose of this lesson is to reflect on the miracle that occurs for believers after they become Christians. They will understand the meaning of the term regeneration, and the effects it has on a believer's life.

8: Justification

The purpose of this lesson is to gain a better understanding of the term justification so that participants can see themselves as holy and righteous before God.

9: Sanctification

The purpose of this lesson is to gain an understanding of the term sanctification. Participants will understand what happens to them when they are sanctified and how the sanctification process continues.

10: Eternity

The purpose of this lesson is to give participants a clearer picture of the afterlife as it is explained in the Bible, as well as prepare them when discussing the afterlife with those of differing worldviews.

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