Discipleship Essentials: Module 5: Family Life

1: God's Design for Families

The purpose of this lesson is to examine what the Bible says about God's design for families and why families are important.

2: Preparation for Marriage

The purpose of this lesson is to explore the purpose of marriage, and to see how Christians should prepare for the marriage relationship.

3: Family Financial Management

The purpose of this lesson is to examine what God's Word says about stewardship of our money, and to give guidance to families in setting a budget, giving to the Lord, and saving money.

4: Biblical Parenting

The purpose of this lesson is to learn what the Bible teaches about parenting, and to explore how parents can accomplish God's purposes in this world.

5: Building Communication in Marriage

The purpose of this lesson is to explore the role of communication in strong marriages, and to learn good communication skills that can be used in any relationship.

6: Separation, Divorce and Remarriage

The purpose of this lesson is to clearly understand what the Bible teaches about divorce, and to give guidance and help to those recovering from it.

7: Challenges facing the Christian Family

The purpose of this lesson is to discuss challenges that the family faces in our modern world, and what the Bible teaches about dealing with them

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