Work out Your Salvation

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to host a breakout session at a Salvation Army Youth camp about evangelism. After the session a young guy stayed back and poured out his heart to me. He had recently given His life to Christ, but his family didn’t believe like him. He had been arguing with his sisters about how to quote “properly be baptized” and whether or not a Christian should celebrate Christmas. I could tell that all of this confusion and friction in his home was hurting him. But in this moment, I feel that God gave me the words to tell this kid to breathe and be at peace with God. Look, we don’t have to have all our theology figured out the day we accept Christ. Throughout the New Testament we see our Bible heroes working out their theology as well. For a ton of encouragement, I think the Apostle Paul says it beautifully in Philippians chapter 2. So, if this is you- go find this scripture and be blessed.

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