Our lead question today is, "In heaven will we pray for people, especially for the salvation of those we know on earth?" Then, it's on to the questions from the live chat. 1:44 - In Heaven, will we pray for people? 19:07 - Why should the New Testament, including the writings of Paul, be considered Scripture? 26:16 - Is Paul teaching purgatory in 1 Corinthians 3,15 when he says he shall be saved through fire? 31:58 - Is Calvinism considered a false doctrine if I am not a Calvinist? 37:12 - Why do you think God chose man to write Scripture and not some other method? Also, why didn’t Jesus write any Scripture? 42:13 - How did the people of the old covenant receive their salvation? 44:56 - Why didn’t God the Father send Jesus straight after Adam’s sin? 47:13 - What is your opinion on the show The Chosen? 52:22 - Does God hate sinners, or does He love them and want them to be saved? 55:29 - Are heaven, the throne room, and the new heaven and new earth all the same place? 56:53 - Is a believer still saved if they die with unrepented sin?

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