In our lead question today, I'll look at the Asbury Revival of 2023 in Wilmore, Kentucky - what's happening there? Is a genuine move of God? Here's some relevant links: Enduring Word App Tutorial History of Revival Series with Dr. J. Edwin Orr A Week of Meetings with Dr. J. Edwin Orr Here are the questions from the live chat: Why does David in the Psalms seem to think that God's blessings come because of his own righteousness? (as in Psalm 18:20) Is God present in Hell? (as in Psalm 139:8) Can you please discuss the sacrament of First Reconciliation? Philo and Justus of Tiberius were contemporaries of Jesus but didn’t mention Him. Why was that? I’m looking for an expository, Bible preaching church and the only ones in my area are Calvinist. Should I try them out? I'm a new Pastor. How can I develop a passion for God's work? Can women be professors at Bible schools or is that a breaking of the command for women not to teach and have authority over men? Is the title “Savior” in some sense on given to Jesus, or also to the other Persons of the Trinity? While Jesus and the disciples were sharing the Last Supper, were there other people outside in attendance aware of such of who was inside? In 1 Cor 1:18 and later in 2 Cor 2:15 “are being saved” is used. Can you explain that wording? Does this contradict instantaneous justification by faith at the moment of conversion? Does the Bible say anything about forbidding abuse of children or women?

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