From Chapter 7:23-28 of the prophecy of Daniel (דָנִיאֶל), brother Gideon Levytam continues with the fourth and final portion of Daniel’s vision. God reveals to Daniel the fourth, and final gentile kingdom to rule the earth. This kingdom consists of a world-wide government, composed of a union of ten kings, seen by God as ten beasts. Out of these ten beast-like kings, there would arise an eleventh beast-like king, who would be different from the other ten kings. This eleventh king is the anti-christ, the false Messiah. In his evil doings, he will kill three of the ten kings and will rule over the others, during the final years of the "Times of the Gentiles”. This false Messiah will war against God’s people, Israel. In his pride he will speak against the living God, and be allowed to wear out the Jewish people, during the second half of the seven years tribulation period. At the end of the tribulation, the anti-christ and his empire will be consumed, and God's promised everlasting kingdom will be given to the people of Israel, who will be a restored nation, called the saints of the most high. Daniel was so overwhelmed by this amazing revelation, that his appearance changed, and he kept the matter in his own heart.

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