Help People When They Need Help

I was walking through midtown on my way to a meeting when I noticed a homeless lady struggling with her bike across the street. The front wheel looked crooked, and I could see she was frustrated. But I was going to be late! I kept walking, until I remembered a quote from author James Clear. “You don’t help people when it’s convenient for you- you help people when they need help”. I turned around and crossed the street- greeting the woman with the bike. I asked if I could help and together, we got the axle back in the right spot and she was good to go. She was so excited that I stopped to help. With all that she had going on- in that moment I was able to remind her we’re all in this together. Sometimes that’s all people need. The omnipresence of our heavenly Father is lived out through us. So, whether it’s convenient or not, go and be His hands and feet.

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