The prophet Joel speaks to God's people about their desperate need of repentance in order to experience restoration. They were under judgment because they continually rebelled against God, leading to exile and all manner of other repercussions. Joel's message was that it was no longer business as usual because of a catastrophic event they were facing, called the day of the Lord. This phrase refers to a time of judgment that precedes restoration, a time when God recalibrates to make right what is wrong. With the day of the Lord looming before the nation of Israel, Joel told the people to cease all normal activity. He urged them to call a solemn assembly to get right before God so he would remove the locusts that were ravaging the land—a sign of his judgment. If the people would repent, Joel had a powerful message of blessing from God. Not only would he remove the locusts, but he would also restore the years the locusts had eaten. Joel wanted the people of God (then and now) to know that God is holy, demands repentance, and will judge. But when repentance occurs, he can restore what rebellion has destroyed and turn cursing into kingdom blessing. 5 Lessons from the Book of Joel - Tony Evans #shorts #Joel #blessing #tonyevans #TonyEvans #NewTestament #BibleStudy

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