Israel's Most Wanted

I have nothing to offer you but blood, toil, tears and sweat. Maybe it's about time we re-advertised Christianity. Maybe it's time to witness to people and then tell them that if they follow Christ - He demands that they carry a cross. What if we told people that Christ has nothing to offer them but blood, toil, tears and sweat? With the growing animosity of our culture toward the Christian church, Christians are growing frightened and even angered that their convictions and freedoms are no longer being respected. Where did God say the world would be our friend? When did the church ever receive a promise that the world would respect our convictions? We have lived in the lap of luxury and freedom and frankly, the church has come to believe these are her rights. The television is stocked with pseudo-pastors and pseudo-Bible teachers who continue to promote the lie that an easy path through life is synonymous with the narrow path. No wonder people today, especially in America, who decide to give Jesus a try become shocked when instead of getting a catalog from heaven with lazy-boys to choose from, they get a sword and a shield and a helmet. Jesus Christ said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." Which means what? Hell is gonna try. Not just institutionally, but personally. So, strap on your armor. Perhaps it's time to re-advertise Christianity by re-discovering the life of Christ - as it really was. Even in His earliest days.

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