Part 3 in an expository series by Pastor David Guzik, author of the Enduring Word commentary, teaching through the Gospel of Luke. Titled "Eyewitness," this series emphasizes the manifold perspectives and accounts which each testify of Christ Jesus' divinity, work, and impact in our world. Read David Guzik's written commentary on Luke here: Pastor David's free commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages: Download the free Enduring Word app today! iPhone: Android: Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream on YouTube @DavidGuzikEnduringWord (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM GMT) Submit your own timestamps via the comment section for a chance to have them incorporated into the video itself. #biblestudy #enduringword #bible #gospelofluke #jesus #newtestament
Luke 2 - Witness of The Shepherds
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