Today our lead question is, “What Is the Best Way to Read the Bible?” Then, questions from the live chat: Galatians 1:8-9 says that those who preach another gospel are cursed. Some believe that water baptism is required for salvation. Is that another gospel? Are those people cursed? 14:18 Why did Jephthah make a vow to kill his daughter and why did he go through with it? 17:29 How do I know if I'm waiting on the Lord or if I'm procrastinating? 22:53 In the parable of the hidden treasure in Mark 13:44; who does the treasure represent? 26:18 The Bible says that we will give an account to God for every word we speak. How is that since we’ve been forgiven of every sin and God doesn’t remember them anymore? 32:16 Do you believe that “Lord of the Rings” author JRR Tolkien is in heaven? 34:21 In regard to Ezekiel 3:16-19, is it true that if we as Christians don't tell someone about Jesus or share the gospel with them, and if they die without being born again, that will God hold us accountable for their blood? 38:11 Is Romans 9 about corporate election or is it about individual election? 41:54 What does the Bible say about nightmares? 45:22 When Jesus said “It is finished” on the cross, what was actually finished? 50:45 My husband says he is tired of going to church. How can I encourage him? 53:03 Was Ezekiel taken during the second invasion? Did He speak to other captives? 56:55

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