Today our lead question is, “Why do Christians suffer?” Then, questions from the live chat: For those who believe the “office of being a prophet” is no longer for today, do they base that off Hebrews 1:2? Why didn't King David name his son Solomon instead of Jedidiah? How should we harmonize the different narrations of the empty tomb in the gospels? To what extent should we keep our distance from non-believers? Is it ok to do business with non-believers? How can I get my boys (11 and 14) interested in reading the Bible? What encouragement or Scripture reference would you give for people struggling with stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and so forth? What's your take on Christians having or getting tattoos, piercings, and so forth? In regard to 2 Timothy, what are some of the ways we as Christians can and should avoid getting entangled in civilian pursuits? What is a “civilian pursuit”? When Paul writes in Romans 7, is it from the perspective of him before he was a Christian or after? When we have been forgiven of our sin, is it possible to still suffer the consequences?

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